
Black coffee sweatArmpits moldy Whisky shit Eyes varicose gray

Wrinkled knee caps Nits clinging Scabby lips Nose drips red

Bones protrude white Cavities hungry Purple nails Crescent-shaped spine

Nappy curled sweater Underwear cut Soulless shoes Shit-stained pants

Stomach scraping whining Fingers fumbling Cracked toes Fissures pulsing pain

Mind body numb Spirit fighting Choked heart Hands stretched searching.

One Kiss

One kiss.Give it away never take it back One kiss can change a life Suck you up like a tornado A force spiraling out of control Spit you out with desiccated lips Lick you up with soft wet tongue Turn you into putty, into something To be molded and mended and Broken. We exist for kisses We cry for them We kill for them. Seeking foreign mouths Though we can kiss Ourselves, hands toes arms legs Every part but the most important. Not everything comes from the inside Not everyone comes from the outside Why don't we write love letters To our own hearts? Kiss our own wounds Lap up our own blood? We would be safer No longer risking our flimsy lips To the abyss of another's.

My Heart Pumps

My heart pumps Sticky red, thick red, thin red And other things Fear becoming pain and longing Love becoming joy and hope. I know no end only eternity I cannot replace all fear with all love I sit with what is Flowing like a river or a highway Endlessly until the curtain falls and I am Dead. But I am not only Dead I am only somewhere else Unseen, unknown Far away and every where. My heart No longer animated by spirit Rots or burns, no longer bleeds Unfeeling but all knowing. I am invisible, like oxygen In the clouds, the rain The grass, the flowers, the trees, the light Melting expanding deepening widening Changing transforming evolving Like ice becoming water Like water becoming steam Like pain becoming joy Like longing becoming hope Like fear becoming love. My heart Pumps, for now.

For this I am grateful.

For the skies Though they cry

We are protected from their blows.

For the earth

Though she ails

Our food still grows from her.

For the trees

Though we cut them

They breathe out what we breathe in.

For the dandelions

Though we pull them

They multiply for the sake of our nourishment.

For the roses

Though we possess them

They infuse our homes with beauty.

For the water

Though we poison it

It flows to quench our thirst.

For the bumble bees

Though we fear them

They spread sweetness where it's needed.

For the spiders

Though we kill them

They catch flies because we cannot.

For the animals

Though we abuse them

They play with us, feed us, love us.

For the small farms

Though the government has failed them

They haven't failed the earth.

For the cities

Though war ravages them

They rise up, striving for change.

For the global economy

Though greed afflicts it

It will soon die and be reborn.

For technology

Though we lean heavily upon it

It has brought us together.

For old friends

Though we've drifted

They will always be a part of who we are.

For best friends

Though we never have enough time

The time we do have spreads across lifetimes.

For family

Though we leave so much unsaid

The hugs we share say everything.

For children

Though we tarnish you with expectation

You are the most perfect, fallible creatures.

For true loves

Though we take you for granted

You make us better.

For the dreamers

Though you see darkness

You look towards the light.

For love

Though you rip hearts

You fill them and mend them.

For Thanksgiving

Though we eat too much

We unbutton our pants and eat more.

My Thanksgiving table, though I did not host Thanksgiving at my home.


VenomSlithers and slices Shoots and fights.

Nature Nurtures and suckles Shackles and kills.

The living Desperate to matter Thirsty for more.

The dead Are gone to us But where did they go?

Other dimensions Far and near As real as this one.

The unknown One step ahead We'll never catch up.

Fear Feeds on the unknown Festers in the faithless.

Faith The only way To be okay.

image via

Beyond the end of the world.

The end of the world happens every day

Babies forget to breathe, bombs dive.

I kissed a tree

And sat down to write one thousand words.

Armored mechanical angels swooped by in formation

Creating traffic in the air

A celebration of freedom, a spectacle of man's wit.

Here, we laugh at the angels.

There, we cry.

World peace remains hidden beneath ego's shroud

Because we look for power on earth

Instead of setting our sights on the moon.


Children.Your continuation, But not your selves.

Babies. Helpless But pure.

Little girls. Fanciful But exquisite.

Little boys. Unruly But courageous.

Teenagers. Cunning But brilliant.

Grandparents. Willful But wise.

Mothers. Birthers But not creators.

Fathers. Pollinators But not masters.

Parents. Controlling But combusting with love.

Families. Grow up But they never forget.


Sleep. Tick tock

Tick tock.

One hour passes

And another.

I lie




Walk across

My consciousness.

I entertain them.

Wicked shapes

Brilliant disclosure.




Spiraling tempest

Magnetic eyes

Grabbing my attention.

Kissing me

Kicking me




In out

Deep long

My heart beats.

Within me

Is life




Subliminal cracks

Implicit whispers

I must hear.

Until everyone

Goes home




Prolific intruders

Fortune seekers

Real like this.

Sleeping life

Keeps me


You are perfect.

I am a mother. Ailed by my children. Deserted by my husband. Abandoned by the angels.

But mother, you are perfect.

I am a little girl. Kicked by my mother. Ignored by my father. Raped by my teacher.

But little girl, you are perfect.

I am an old woman. Forsaken by love. Alone by death. Hopeless by life.

But old woman, you are perfect.

How can I go on?

Drink your tears Let sorrow metastasize into joy. Heed the lesson Turn your face towards the sun.

Abandonment makes room for love, Abuse undresses the ugly. Without a valley There's no view from the mountain.

You were born perfect Steeped in a cup of grace. Painted by the devas Kissed by the breath of life.