I tend to forget all the things available to me now:
The curl inside comforts, gifts from god(dess)
Muses / elixirs / flavors / sensations
Beautiful faces, bare skin, zaftig cheeks
Innocence free to delight in clean air
Aesthetic delight and kinesthetic pleasure
The rhythm of rain and little feet
The wine the butter the bread the wine
The sun, the steadfastness of its shine
The earth, the faithfulness of its spin
Our hearts, how they vibrate together
Our eyes, how they see color
Our ears, how they hear voices. //
I am human being, human doing
The dervish of life, years purling by
Experiences stacked like layers of dirt
We reach forth, we dig deeper. We hit
The crusted layers . We stab at the impasse
We grow tired of learning the same lessons until
We discover we are not calcified in every direction.