What happens to your love when you die?

What happens to your love when you die? 

There’s a universe of love

Shining through my


Storied by my


Stored in my


Woven by my


Calcified by my


Floating in my


Churning in my 


Written in my


{ I love the / my love is

Seen / unseen

Tangible / intangible }

More than words the

Curl of her hair

Smooth shell of his head

Smell of her neck

Scent of his nose

Cross of her ankles

Gristle of his beard

Softness of her cheek

Fuzz on his chest

Her shoulder blades like wings 

How he holds me when I cry

How she needs me when she cries

How he holds me when we kiss 

How I feel when I kiss them

How he watches me when I’m not looking

How they hope I will never die 

How we keep going, hand in hand

The lifetimes we have spent together

And will spend together

The mystery that exists between

The closest of hearts.

When I’m gone 

I will kiss you

With the wind and the rain

I will smell you 

From inside the flowers

I will hug you

When you roll on the grass 

I will rub your feet 

As you walk barefoot on the earth

I will become the water

Stroking your skin 

And the wind that 

Plays with your hair.

I wish I could live forever

But we all leave in our own time

With a string of love trailing


So that we can find each other 




Democracy means

Your vote 

Counts more than mine,

My whiteness  

My able body

My heteronormativity 

Gets more than

Your blackness

Your handicap

Your queer body.

Our justice depends

On the judge

On the house

On the senate

On the votes 

That don’t get counted

On a rapist  

Who controls the votes 

On a country

Built on the 




Of people 

Of color. 






Your life is held together a by a series of patterns

Find the thread that’s holding you together

Untangle and rearrange and do whatever

You need with the pieces

But don’t leave them untended

Eventually you will be turned

Inside out

To face the mess 

And the longer you leave it

The longer it will take to fix

And the worst part is that

We don’t have all the time

In the world

We only have 


A woman's anger

Why wouldn’t women be angry? 

Don’t we have every reason to be? 

Is it safe for us to be angry? 

If not now, when? 

How many more generations?

Until we’re safe to walk alone at night? 

Until drunkenness no longer excuses you for raping us?  

Will you listen when we stop speaking with question marks?

Will you desire us if we cease to self-optimize? 

Will you love us if we promise we’ll always be angry?

We lost count of the ways 

We resent the patriarchy 

For treating us like property

For setting us up to fail

For burning us 

For not believing us

For trying to snuff out our power

Because we can snuff you out

Before you're even born.

You said: someone has balls

When they are brave

But they are a pussy

When they are weak—

It makes us want to do a kick test

To see which one can take a beating.

You minimize our superpowers

Call us weak of mind, evil of spirit  

Ravage, rape, and judge 

Our bodies

Like they are objects rather than the

Miraculous mysterious vessels

That gave you life. 


Women’s bodies go through so much. 

If only you* knew. 

You will never know what it feels like to have a person grow and die inside of you. 

You cannot grasp that we are the bodies they cut into. 

You think your fancy titles make noble your systemic oppression. 

You fear us because we can snuff you out before you are even born. 

But you can never take away our birthright:

We get to choose who is born on this planet.

*To the men who try to control female bodies like we are your slaves for breeding.

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Only a Guess

“Life is suffering.” - The Buddha

You can never know what's wrong with other people

Guessing is only a guess

Projecting is only a projection

Asking is only a question

Knowing is only a square of knowledge,

What’s wrong is a feeling buried

Alone without the proper order of words.

Maybe you can try

To breathe life into the


Maybe you can’t talk it all the way


But talking helps anyways

Maybe it’s small enough to be manageable

Though it scares you how it keeps


Land of the Shot

God save America, land of the shot

Shoot ‘em wherever you can catch ‘em

Off guard—schools streets marathons malls

Festivals nightclubs churches bedrooms—

It’s a life for a life for a bullet

Wedged in the flesh of a form.

Oh God, in America boys will be boys

There’s no crying here but anyone can

Get a gun to be seen to be known

Because violence like sex like guns sell

And politicians can be bought and

The bottom line is not life but power but

Money money money money money.

God, in America no one feels safe

Violence normalized romanticized

Anyways, we need the protection

Anyways, laws don’t do nothing

Let them have their guns, let them

Shoot until there’s no one left to clean

The blood from our white collars.

God help America, land of the mass murder

Massacre land of the sick care health care

Land of fences and walls and camps

World’s strongest military rape culture

Oligarch rich-getting-richer president

Keeping us controlled, confused, divided or



I would bleed tech

I’m afraid that if you cut me

I would bleed tech

It’s not a rational fear

I could always bury myself

Away from the signal

Only on the weekends

But I wouldn’t want to

Spend too much time

Away from the blue lights

Because I am an addict.

How can we not be with

The world and the world’s

Fascinating stories

In our hands at all hours and places

The slow scroll

So satisfying to the brain.

All these humans

Have so much to say

And they feel so deeply

And they shine so brightly

But then there’s the caveat:

They’re all flat

And I’m not.


Dopamine of distractions

How easy to misplace our essence among the tangle of life's demands,

the web of routine, the dopamine of distractions. Everyday is a practice in

returning to the dreams we know are true, hunting for beauty in the present, 

accepting discomfort as a roadmap for growth. The forgetting happens less 

as we commit to the remembering, and the gray shimmers like silver.